About Student Trips
With such exciting and varied activities near at hand, the Outdoor Program and students at Colorado Mesa University have a lot of choices for outdoor excursions. The Outdoor Program outings are based on the common adventure concept, which is two or more individuals working cooperatively for common goals, and sharing expenses, decision making and responsibilities as equitably as possible. In other words all participants contribute in the cost, preparation and responsibilities of the trip. The responsibilities and expenses of the trip are shared among all members (no trip expenses go to pay anyone's salary). Any instruction or advice provided by any member of the group is given gratuitously in the spirit of cooperation. Since there are no guides, everyone on the trip has a lot more work to do such as: helping plan the trip, buying food, loading and unloading equipment, and cleaning up after it's over.
Sign up for a trip
Log in to the Outdoor Program Equipment Rentals website with your MAVzone credentials. Click "Student Trips" to check out and sign up for a trip.
The great majority of trips will have a pre-trip meeting. Much of the trip's planning takes place at this meeting, so in the spirit of common adventure, you are required to be there to participate in the planning process. The success or failure of a common adventure trip rests not in the hands of the trip initiator, but in the hands of everyone that participates on the trip.
Costs associated with trips are shared between the members of the Common Adventure group and only pay for trip expenses such as group gear rental, transportation, food, permit and hut fees if needed. The OP makes no profit from trips and no person is paid from trip fees. Costs associated with OP staffing and facilities are subsidized by student fees and student work programs making OP trips very affordable.
If you are a student you are helping the Outdoor Program, so why not take advantage of it? The time is NOW. When you finish at Colorado Mesa University you may not find the same opportunities again. Stop in to see some pictures, ask any questions and find out more about this great program!
To help you better choose one of our trips, we rate the trips on a subjective scale of difficulty. If you have any questions please call 970.248.1428.
A - No previous understanding necessary; low to moderate physical activity.
B - Previous experience in the subject area necessary; moderate to strenuous physical activity.
C - Previous knowledge required; strenuous to very demanding physical activity.
Members of common adventure groups do not hold one another or others liable for accidents. Please understand that when you participate in activities in the outdoors, you are risking your physical being. No one on the trip can assure your safety. Participate at your own risk.